Dr. Janina Heaphy

Postdoc Researcher

FAU Forschungszentren
FAU Forschungszentrum Center for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU CHREN)

Raum: Raum 2.213
Andreij-Sacharow-Platz 1
90403 Nürnberg



    • Heupel M., Heaphy C., & Heaphy J. (2022). US Counterterrorism and the human rights of foreigners abroad – Putting the Gloves Back on?, Routledge Studies in Human Rights, New York: Taylor& Francis.

Articles (*peer-reviewed)

    • Heaphy, J. (2023). When Identity meets Strategy: The development of British and German anti-torture policies since 9/11. Cooperation and Conflicts. Online First.*
    • Heaphy, J. (2023) Book Review: American Torture from the Philippines to Iraq: A Recurring Nightmare, by William L. d’Ambruoso. Perspectives on Politics, 21(1).
    • Heaphy, J. (2022). British counterterrorism, the international prohibition of torture, and the Multiple Streams Framework, Policy& Politics, 50(2), pp. 225-241.*
    • Heupel M., Heaphy C., & Heaphy J. (2021). Seeing Reason or Seeing Costs? The United States, counterterrorism, and the human rights of foreigners, European Journal for International Relations, 28(1), pp.131-157.*


    • Heaphy, J. (2023). Experten Interview – Grundlagen der deutschen Außenpolitik. In: Dettelbacher, S. and Dillig, C., Lehrfilm deutsche Außenpolitk, FWU – Institut für Film und Wissenschaft und Unterricht.
    • Heaphy, J. (2023). The development of extraterritorial human rights safeguards as a strategic tool in foreign policy-making: American, German, and British approaches towards the international prohibition of torture since 9/11. Doctoral dissertation, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg.
    • Heaphy, J. (2022). Why refrain from torturing foreigners abroad? 20/04/2022 in: Policy& Politics Journal Blog; https://policyandpoliticsblog.com/2022/04/20/why-refrain-from-torturing-foreigners-abroad-british-counterterrorism-and-the-international-prohibition-of-torture/
    • Lang, J. (2016). Dossier EU-Türkei Abkommen. Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge.